杂题 - Eufisky - The lost book


Eufisky posted @ 2017年9月13日 19:55 in 数学分析 with tags 函数 , 1133 阅读

设函数$~f(x)$ 在$~[a,b]$ 上连续,但不为常数.求证:$~\exists \xi\in(a,b)$,使$~f(x)$ 在$~\xi$ 不取极值.

注意到 $f$ 不是常数函数, 并且 $f\in C[a,b],$ 所以 $f$ 的值域 $R$ 是一个有限闭区间. 

先将 $f$ 开拓定义到整个 $\mathbf R$ 上: 对 $x\leq a,$ 让 $f(x)=f(a);$ 对 $x\geq b,$ 让 $f(x)=f(b).$ 让 $$C=\{f(x);\ \hbox{$x$ 是 $f$ 在 $\mathbf R$ 中的极小值点}\},$$ 下面来证明 $C$ 是一个至多可列集. 

任给 $c\in C,$ 存在 $x\in\mathbf R$ 以及 $u_x,v_x\in\mathbf Q,$ 使得 $$u_x<x<v_x,\ f(y)\geq f(x)=c,\ \forall y\in(u_x,v_x).$$这样就得到了一个从 $C$ 到 $\mathbf Q\times\mathbf Q$ 的单射 $c\mapsto(u_x,v_x)$, 故 $C$ 是至多可列集.

类似可证 $f$ 极大值的全体也是至多可列集. 从而 $f$ 的极值的全体是 $R$ 的至多可列子集. 这就完成了证明. 

Share market holiday 说:
2022年8月03日 06:52

National Stock Exchange has got some specific timing, during which the trading will be scheduled and later there will not be an official trading session processed. Share market holiday There will be no trading possessed during the Saturday and Sunday along with some National Holidays declared by the Indian Government, and if anyone is trading, then they must be aware of these NSE holiday list.National Stock Exchange is open from Monday to Friday during the business hours to operate share market trading.There will be no trading possessed during the Saturday and Sunday along with some National Holidays declared by the Indian Government, and if anyone is trading, then they must be aware of these NSE holiday list.

AP 10th Social Quest 说:
2022年9月10日 00:27

Social Study is most important students to all students of AP 10th Class, here we have provided the study material with solved question bank for all government and private school TM, EM, UM and HM students in chapter wise from past years old exams and we have provided the AP 10th Social Model Paper 2023 Pdf suggested by subject experts. AP 10th Social Question Paper All BSEAP 10th class regular and private course students can follow the list of chapters under SSC Social Study to practice study material with previous question bank to get a better score in summative assessment (SA) and formative assessment (FA) SA-1, SA-2, FA-1, FA-2, FA-3, FA-4 along with Assignments exams previously called Unit Test-1, Unit Test-2, Unit Test-3, Unit Test-4 and Three Months.

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