精致的章节样式 - Eufisky - The lost book


Eufisky posted @ 2014年6月19日 03:55 in LaTeX with tags LaTeX 章节设计 , 1117 阅读




% to have access to the total number of sections
% every section starts on a new page
% auxiliary lengths for the height of the frame and the width of each tab
% style for the section tabs
text width=\mylena,anchor=south,
draw=gray,thick,rectangle,rounded corners=12pt,rotate=270,
align=center,text height=20pt,
text depth=25pt,inner sep=0pt,fill=gray!20,
% style for the current section tab
% the page number is showed in the background material
% calculation of the width for each tab
% the main part; as background material we place the border,
% the section (current and other) tabs and the page number
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]
\node[inner sep=0pt,text width=\the\dimexpr\textwidth+1.5cm\relax]
at (current page.center) (border) {\rule{0pt}{\dimexpr\textheight+2cm\relax}};
\foreach \valsection in {0,...,\numexpr\totvalue{section}-1\relax}
\node[\ifnum\thesection<\numexpr\valsection+1\relax tab\else \ifnum\thesection>\numexpr\valsection+1\relax tab\else selectedtab\fi\fi,xshift=(0.5+\valsection)*\mylena]
at (border.north east) (tab-\valsection) {Section \the\numexpr\valsection+1\relax};
\node[draw=gray,line width=2pt,rectangle,rounded corners=10pt,inner sep=0pt,
text width=\the\dimexpr\textwidth+1.5cm\relax,fill=white]
at (current page.center) {\rule{0pt}{\dimexpr\textheight+2cm\relax}};
at (border.south) {\makebox[3em][c]{\thepage}};
\section{Test Section One}
\section{Test Section Two}
\section{Test Section Three}
\section{Test Section Four}


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